Thursday, November 13, 2008

Zhanggutai pagoda - Chinese tourism scenic spots

Zhanggutai pagoda - Chinese tourism scenic spots

Naiman Banner at Zhanggutai seat of the sum, was built in the middle, and autonomous regions to focus on the protection of cultural relics. The brick masonry from the tower, tower more than ten feet-high 4, 2 Dikuan more than ten feet. Tap on the bottom of the circle, divided into 5-order. Cheng Yuan-order on the two-, copper-top hoop, 13 days, and so on Foyan. Foyan points east and west, north and south four-way, there are 4 Buddha, is headed by the founder of the Gelug Sect of Buddhism Tsongkhapa. 3, under the order was a square, each band has a number of relief Buddha, surrounded by correspondence, neat appearance.

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