Saturday, January 17, 2009

At the end of Long River - Chinese tourism scenic spots

Long River at the end of drift referred to as "the first southern drift," Long Corridor at the end of ecological drift-foot channel is located in scenic rural territory, due to the unique geographical position at the end of Long River has maintained a simple, primitive, mysterious feature of ecological resources. Long drift at the end of a unique natural conditions: full floating gap of more than 150 meters, river rafting 10 km, drifting time 3-4 hours, a total of 48 beach the size of urgency. Rapid cross-cutting bill; the two sides towering old trees, river video screen; Bixi the clean and upright, anxious and sometimes rough, he could feel the waves, such as the flat mirror from time to time. Visitors ride down and rubber boats, play any bank, the torrent sprint, narrowly, Shen Yi Kuang. Tickets: 100 yuan /person.

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