Sunday, February 8, 2009

Beijing Clock Tower - Chinese tourism scenic spots

In the Dongcheng District in the street outside the security. Mannings for the former site of the Yuan Dynasty Temple Center Court. Wing-lok next 18 years (in 1420) to build, after a fire destroyed the Qing Emperor Qianlong of the Decade (1745) reconstruction. It was constructed on the tall brick city on the stage, the green ash Tongwa Xieshan Ding cutting edge, surrounded by open door tickets, about 33 meters high, all the masonry structure, fine Solid. The original building are hanging between the Yongle (1403-1424) of the large cast iron bell, hanging there after the title Yongle 27 cm thick section of a bronze bell. Dazhong Si iron bell keep this ancient bell museum. 10 minutes, the second floor of the drum at the northern end of Beijing's central axis, in the south and Jingshan echoed each other by King, is to study the regulation Beijing city The physical layout of the key. Traffic: 5,60,107,124,734,815,819 up.

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