Sunday, February 1, 2009

Two-way tomb - Chinese tourism scenic spots

Luoyang City in the south about 25 kilometers west of this Yichuan county. Cheng Hao (1032-1085), Cheng Yi (1033-1107) brother, the same as the Northern Song Dynasty philosopher, educator, scholar, respectively, said Mr. Ming Cheng Yi, Luoyang, two of the Northern Song Dynasty Neo-Confucianism founder, said the Second-World . Their theory, after the The development of the succession of Zhu Xi, Zhu said the World School. Second-way for the tomb of Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi and his father's base. CHENG Ji-including, two-way part of the temple, before Temple, based upon graves. By the Temple Gate Tower, room and hall, and so on, the Ming and Qing Dynasties era and another side of the dozens of stone. Tsukamoto-ago base for the monument, surrounded by security guards back to the wall of the tomb, the base, the Temple area Towering trees, its view appears to be very quiet and solemn.

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