Monday, November 10, 2008

Harqin Palace - Chinese tourism scenic spots

Harqin Palace - Chinese tourism scenic spots

Harqin harqin flag at the Palace Palace in the town, 70 km north-east from Chifeng, Inner Mongolia is to preserve the integrity of a section Wang Yefu. Palace covers an area of more than 30 acres, a total of around five Jinyuan La, the central axis in the lobby there, 2, the letter of the door, hall and floor, Cheng Qing, and other construction, things are on both sides of the Kuayuan. They are inter-hospital Living areas and areas of procedure, there is the west side of old temples and ancestral halls, dining rooms, the Chamber study, Lianwu construction market; on the eastern side of a Xilou, and Wang Fu Jin's bedroom, Shan Fang, and so on. Calocedrus hospital pines, quiet elegant, matched Hall into a pavilion-hui, Wang behalf of the Twelve before and after the passage of the government.

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