Friday, February 27, 2009

Bishop Tong Shan small - Chinese tourism scenic spots

West Guia Hill Bishop's Peak, also known as the small Church of Our Lady of small sea cliff together, was founded in 1622; in 1892, after the removal of the nearby castle, Church of Our Lady to be gradually expanded in 1835 to become today the reconstruction of the grand scale. Notre Dame halls, buy a marble sculpture of Madonna from the Virgin hands together even Facing the sea, very kind-hearted appearance. Under the one Notre Dame Luther caves, rocky cave, opened in the arch, with legislation like the Virgin, before the grotto of open space on a piece of engraved bronze tombstone of the Portuguese, Macau is the beginning of the 20th century Catholic bishop Maigu. February 18, 1918, the death of Bishop John even then, funeral This.

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