Sunday, November 23, 2008

Panyu Xue Gong - Chinese tourism scenic spots

Panyu Xue Gong - Chinese tourism scenic spots

Zhongshan is located in four-way, that is, Comrade Mao Zedong's peasant movement organized by the workshop site. Here before the Qing Dynasty to worship Fan Yuxian County, and the Confucian Temple of Confucius (in Cheng Xuan Street, this bit of Beijing East Road, is under the jurisdiction Fan Yuxian). Three years, Wu Ming-hong (1370), by the county magistrate MAO Zhong, Li Xin was founded in charge of discipline. Now the pattern formation 12 Qing Emperor Qianlong (1747). 15 light reconstruction. Studies of the original palace three wide, deep into the five. In addition to the two or so are still together Minglun, light Ji Tong, most of the building had been destroyed. Road Star existing lattice door, Chi Pan Bridge, Shing Mun, Tai Shing Temple, the Temple Chong veranda and the East-West Corridor. Covers an area of 5425 square meters. -Great Hall of construction on a larger scale, five Miankuo 24.72 meters, 14.22 meters into the deep, 12.62 meters high. Dan Yan Xie Shanding, yellow glazed tile, wood-beam structure of the lift. As a result of Comrade Mao Zedong in 1926 in the peasant movement organized the workshop, in 1953 there was talk about farmers into the former site of the Memorial And was listed as state-level key protection units. Panyu Xue Xue Gong and Gong Deqing, a palace study Jieyang, Guangdong for three with the University Palace.

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