Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tiananmen Square - Chinese tourism scenic spots

Tiananmen Square is located in the center of Beijing. It is the world's largest square, an area of 500,000 square meters.

New China's construction history should be written here, as it earlier than that of the Republic of the birth of a few hours. September 30, 1949, the eve of the founding ceremony, led by Mao Zedong's People's Political Consultative Conference Committee of the Whole Came to Tiananmen Square, the People's Heroes Monument laid the first cornerstone.

In accordance with China's traditional thinking, monuments and buildings, should block south, but Zhou Enlai to the architects have suggested the possibility of facing the monument in Tiananmen Square, facing the Chang An Avenue, because the vast majority of people from the North Into the Plaza. Architects have accepted his proposal, so clearly see the history of indomitable spirit of two characters - the people.

The people are the creators of history. The 10th anniversary of the founding of the PRC, is writing a builder 10 months into the Great Hall of the People's miracle in the history of architecture, shocked the whole world. Year 1999, is the most beautiful pen more beautiful painted a picture.

More than 159,600 square meters of the square is the transformation of designers, builders spent 241 days and nights of sweat and passion intertwined with the wisdom from!

Plaza to the west is the Great Hall of the People, here is The office of the National People's Congress. To the east is the Museum of Chinese Revolution and the Museum of Chinese History, in the central square stands a monument to the People's Heroes. In the south of the monument is the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, the great generation of Mao Zedong's body was placed there, one can enter inside to pay respects.

In the north, across the square on Chang An Avenue The magnificent Tiananmen, it is founded in Beijing in the north-south central axis, 33.7 m-high, it was the Ming and Qing Dynasties of the main entrance of the palace. October 1, 1949 Mao Zedong in the tower rather than pressing the button on the rise of new China in the first face of the national flag, then on, Tiananmen has become a symbol of state power. An across-day Tower gate to enter the National Palace. Tiananmen now allow visitors to visit the upstairs ticketing.

In Tiananmen Square, has been the outbreak of the "May 4" Movement, "January 29" campaign, and other major events. October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China has attracted worldwide attention in the founding ceremony of this grand ?. Tiananmen Square, with its magnificent open, solemn grand majestic, attracting tens of thousands of Chinese and foreign tourists.

Tiananmen Square in the vicinity of the main attractions are: Zheng Yangmen tower, Jianlou Zhengyang Men, Dashilan the front door. National Palace Museum, Zhongshan Park, the Cultural Palace of the working people (Tai Miao), the history of China Bo Hall, the Museum of the Chinese Revolution, the Great Hall of the People, Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, the People's Heroes Monument, and so on.

Tiananmen Square every day around sunrise Guoqi Ban soldiers of the flag-raising ceremony has become a major Beijing landscape.

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