Monday, February 23, 2009

Yuen Shun Biaoju site - Chinese tourism scenic spots

Yuen Shun Biaoju the former site of the Chongwen District in West Street Banbi 13. Qing Guang Xu five years (1879) to create, is well-known Biaoju one of the capital. Is the founder of the martial arts capital of Xia Wang Zibin (1844-1900), the World Bank said the "Big Five Wang." Biaoju hours before Kuayuan backyard and the West, housing 5 Balance between. Biaoshi backyard for their martial arts practice, of the living. Biaoju sub-flood and have two Biaoshi. Han Lu go north, south and shun the canal under the Tung Chau. Every time a dart, all drums and set off Gun, in order to safely Geely. Housing is still Biaoju, the pattern remained unchanged.

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