Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Walled win public - Chinese tourism scenic spots

Scenic spots located in the northeast, public attractions of the original mountain, an elevation of 207.1 meters, Xianyao terrain, often by the military for the fight, later renamed the victory Walled public. North Hill has leap Lake, Shannan five around the Lake. Dense bamboo forest on the mountain, shade shade, and beautiful scenery. Mountain view, a colorful display in front of the picture. May be close to see Green Lake and the middle of the lake snail-like islands in the distance could see the faint of Changde city, people would often think of a mirage said. Sheng Kung Walled Peak has two flat, since the Qing Dynasty, three times in the Jiansi. Daoguangnianjian Jian Si Qing, for fear of Qing-jun Taiping proceeds will be destroyed Temple. Tongzhi 2006 (1867) Local villagers also raise funds Jiansi, there in front of the stage. In 2007 (1918), according to Temple for the bandits, and later led the troops Feng Jiao Fei Temple will be burned when. Since then, the third Jiansi, as a result of poor management, dilapidated and in Japan during the collapse of its own. Now the Peak site of the Temple of the stage and still remains to be found. Sheng Kung Walled Peak has two flat, since the Qing Dynasty, three times in the Jiansi. Daoguangnianjian Jian Si Qing, for fear of Qing-jun Taiping proceeds will be destroyed Temple. Tongzhi 2006 (1867), local villagers and fund-raising Jiansi, there in front of the stage. In 2007 (1 18), according to Temple for the bandits, and later led the troops Feng Jiao Fei Temple will be burned when. Since then, the third Jiansi, as a result of poor management, dilapidated and in Japan during the collapse of its own. Now the Peak site of the Temple of the stage and still remains to be found.

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