Wednesday, February 18, 2009

City Mission - Chinese tourism scenic spots

City Mission in the North West City of Hainan on the west side of the door. Liquid was too small a pool of Lantau. Kim, the City Mission for the Regency. Yuan Dynasty in the last days of additional instrument Palace, rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty, renamed the Hall of Cheng-guang, and in Canada to build walls around the island, piled Qiangding City Duokou battlement, laid the initial group size of the city. City Mission 4.6 meters high, with an area of about 4500 square meters. City Mission in the Central Hall of Cheng-guang there, the ancient Tang Lai, YU fasting, Lan-ting, and so on, thorough, and a compact layout, with a unique architectural style. A national key cultural unit.

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