Monday, December 22, 2008

Shandan Station New River - Chinese tourism scenic spots

Shandan Station New River, located in the Shandan county seat 20 kilometers southeast of Seoul at the foot of the Ming Great Wall is to build a new tourist attraction. Shandan County well-preserved ruins of the Great Wall, the National Highway 312 through the wall gap, the wall stretches on both sides of things, the new station that is located in the Great River Road intersection and landmark in 2642, 2.5 km to the east . Here was the ancient post of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the existing site into a square fort territories, while 70 meters long with a total area of 4900, on the wall 3 meters wide, 5 meters wide under the yellow Ben Zhu, a memory wall station well. This site is currently being developed to repair stage. Upon completion, the car past the visitors can post 26 or 2 Department milestone get off on horseback, camel-ride or round of the carriage, to go for a 2.5 km-long "Silk Road" experience in the ancient Silk Road to travel long distances on the quality of life. New River Station tourist areas to provide accommodation for visitors to entertainment services.

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