Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Peng Shan (Fairy Hill) - Chinese tourism scenic spots

Peng Peng Shan County in Sichuan, the provincial-level scenic spots for the mountain is not high, easing steps, the mountain is covered with tree-yin, Dicui Xiuzhu, is said to the doctor Yin Peng are native place and buried, there are attractions such as the Tomb of Peng. Peng on the "Ci Hai" is defined as "legends figure." Peng Chuan live 800 years old, and has been popular Pengshan 6 Days of dollars a year for the old ways, Peng for more than 130 years old. Pengshan is Changshouzhixiang, 90 well-known, last name, the information amounted to more than 50 centenarians, but Peng of whether there is still a mystery of its people, Peng may be a legend with a composition of the historical figures. "Ancestor of the Chinese health" after the stone Hall of Health, about Hall of 2-300 square meters, in the face of color for health plans Peng, Peng summed up in secret health-V operation, catering operation and Qi Gong guided surgery. After the three parts of the refinement, with the aid of diagrams, and Peng 13 health law was regarded as graphic, "set in ancient Great AV regimen." Is the so-called "non-shan High, while Sin-ling. "Peng Shan, formerly known as Fairy Hill, Gu Cheng Peng Shan death, Peng Shan women. As a result of Peng and his daughter live here, named after the immortal practice, it is an elevation of 608 m, 105 m vertical elevation . View Peng Shan, a vein bulge slightly from the bottom, gradually increasing gradually long, winding straight, the last of a long-cheng The big mountain, we come to a sudden halt. The high mountains, another channel for irrigation Hill vein bulge slightly, increasing gradually becoming long, with an increase on top of each other surrounded by veins, winding down the last long hill into a huge, and come to a sudden halt, just Rise slightly with the pulse of uplift countries and regions. Dang known, to cyclone-induced, Hill is the Buddha of the two-phase rotating each other have led yin and yang of heaven and earth caused by gas. Why do people choose to live longer master Peng Shan as a place to settle in their old age. It turned out that Peng Shan is a natural and tai chi! Peng old eye is unique. Here is a three-dimensional "natural ?? ??? Quot; the best view , Clearly visible hills and Peng Shou-Quan Yin and Yang formed a ravine two chase each other's fish. Yang fish is a fish-eye is the tomb Peng, tea is a ditch between the two fish of the "S" line, just follow up the yang, the chi to sink the principle of tai chi. Peak of the temple, called Temple Huiguang, the resplendent temples, Extraordinary potential, strong Temple incense, statues large Dachaoshan is a good place to worship Buddha. Shun Hui Guang Temple and the north, the best in the world can be seen "double-Buddha." Station for the Sakyamuni Buddha, 32 meters high, as Zuofo Dubbo Buddha, 28 meters high, the legislation of a sitting Buddha with a little Shan Qi, the two-pronged known as the Buddha. Two-Buddha on the mountain Tang opened in the first year of construction, as early as the Leshan Giant Buddha, the Buddha stands on a high, the world No. 6, while the two side by side so a statue of Buddha, is unique. Two Buddhist solemnity, silence, kind, explained the many Buddhist argot. Here is a unique gas field, in accordance with Tianyuandefang 64 column Bureau, with three-dimensional natural Aura and the construction of tai chi, qigong is a fan's dream Gas Holy Land. Hall of Health, a vivid image of the interpretation of the Peng longevity and good health of the essence. Dianwai natural born "husband and wife trees", also known as yin and yang tree, the same root as incense and camphor tree Sapium, Wei camphora tall and straight, small demon Sapium Long, embracing coincide Peng Yin and Yang in this way. There are dozens of niche hall as relief, Peng represents the "bedroom arts", Peng revealed the secret of health. Peng was one of the first master of science, he advocated "the Yin and Yang Shun", 100. "Zongyu" no "ban vulgar" and promoting "abstinence" "appropriate" Zhang, "complementary male and female, still with heaven and earth", a healthy sex life and the physical and psychological benefit.

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